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-- 作者:合肥月影淡淡 -- 發布時間:2024/6/17 10:50:37 -- [轉帖]可以用來當座右銘的人生金句 1、不是每一天都能完美,不是每個人都能完美,那并不是因為有什么問題,這只是生活本來的樣子。 Not everyday can be perfect,not every person can be perfect,that\'s not because anything\'s wrong,it\'s just the way life is. 2、不要等待事情變得更容易,更簡單,更好。生活總是復雜的。學會從現在開始快樂起來,否則,你就會沒有時間了。 Dont wait for things to get easier,simpler,better.life will always be complicated.learn to be happy right now.otherwise.you will run out of time. 3、堅持夢想,這是實現夢想的唯一途徑。停止建設,你將永遠不會看到他們。 Keep building your dreams,that\'s the only way to reach them.stop building,and you will never see them. 4、不要拿自己的生活和別人比較。太陽和月亮沒有可比性。當他們的時間到了,他們就會發光。 Don\'t compare your life to others.there\'s no comparison between sun and moon.they shine when it\'s their time. 5、知道自己的價值,你和這個世界上其他的人一樣優秀,永遠記住這一點。 Know your worth,you are as good as every other person to walk this earth,always remember that. 6、無論生活變得多么艱難,美好的時光總是轉瞬即逝。 No matter how difficult life can become,wonderful times are always just moments away. 7、善良造就了世界上最美好的事物?偸沁x擇它。 Kindness makes the most beautiful things in the world.always choose it. 8、相信自己值得擁有幸福的生活,你就會發現幸福無處不在。 Believe you deserve a life full of happiness and you will start to see it show up everywhere you look. 9、不要讓任何事情摧毀那個美麗的靈魂。是的,生活是困難的。但你可以挺過去,你已經走了這么遠。 Don\'t let anything crush that beautiful soul.yes life can be difficult.but you can get through it,you\'ve already come so far. |
-- 作者:浪客慶少 -- 發布時間:2024/11/5 10:49:20 -- 看累了 |
-- 作者:如果 -- 發布時間:2024/12/9 9:23:22 -- 看著確實很累~~ |