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-- 作者:合肥月影淡淡 -- 發布時間:2024/6/17 10:59:12 -- [轉帖]人生勵志金句,如果你想變得強大,就要學會享受孤獨 1、你經歷的每一件事都讓你成長。 Everything you go through,grows you. 2、如果你想變得強大,就要學會享受孤獨。 If you want to be strong,learn to be enjoy being alone. 3、把每一天都當作生命的最后一天。過去的已經過去,明天無法保證。 Live each day like it\'s your last.the past is gone,tomorrow is not guaranteed. 4、寬恕別人的速度就像你期待上帝寬恕你的速度一樣快。 Forgive others as quickly as you expect from god to forgive you. 5、我不想再依戀任何人,因為那只會毀了我自己。 I dont want to get attached to anyone anymore,because it only destroys me in the end. 6、只要微笑,學著放手。 Just smile and learn to let things go. 7、訓練你的心,不要輕易融化。 Train your heart not to melt easily. 8、有時候大腦和內心在交戰,大腦知道我們需要忘記一些東西,但內心卻一直在保留著。 Sometimes our mind is in war with our heart,mind knows that we need to forget something but our heart is still keeping it. 9、有時候,你需要一個人走,才能找到自我。 Sometimes you need to walk alone to find yourself. 10、每件事和每個人都有一個截止日期他們遲早會離開你。所以享受生命中的這一刻,繼續前行吧。 Everything and everyone comes with an expiry date sonner or later they are gonna leave you.so enjoy moment of life and move on. |
-- 作者:浪客慶少 -- 發布時間:2024/11/5 10:56:45 -- 學習中 |