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-- 作者:合肥月影淡淡 -- 發布時間:2024/6/17 11:04:38 -- [轉帖]人生勵志金句,讓你的人生更加繁榮 1、永遠不要失去希望,你永遠不知道明天會帶來什么。選擇積極,它會讓你走得更遠。 Never lose hope, you never know what tomorrow may bring. Choose positivity, it will get you far. 2、為今天的你感到驕傲。你已經走了這么遠,所以要為你所取得的一切感到自豪,并繼續努力實現你為自己擁有的所有夢想。你能做到的! Be proud of who you are today. You have come so far so be proud of all that you have achieved and keep hustling to achieve all the dreams that you have for yourself. You can do it! 3、像從未贏過一樣練習,像從未輸過一樣表演。 Practice like you have never won, Perform like you have never lost. 4、有時候,如果別人沒有給你的生活帶來價值,你就必須與他們保持距離。你身邊的人很重要。 Sometimes you have to distance yourself from others if they aren’t bringing value in your life. Who you surround yourself with matters. 5、保持夢想和奉獻,它們是獲得最大成功的重要工具。 Keep having dreams and dedication, they are important tools to achieving the greatest success. 6、知識就是力量,我們永遠不應該停止學習。 If you want to be powerful, educate yourself. Knowledge is power and we should never stop learning. 7、不要擔心讀完一本書。不喜歡,再挑一個。每一本書都是學習新東西的機會。永遠保持學習和成長。每天學點東西,你就會離目標更近一步。 Don’t worry about finishing a book. Don’t like it, pick another one. Each book is an opportunity to learn something new. Always keep learning and growing. Learn something everyday and you will be one step closer to your goals. 8、自律的生活會帶來財富和繁榮。你必須掌控自己的生活。 A disciplined life leads to wealth and prosperity. You must have control over how you live your life. 9、記住永遠要感恩你所擁有的一切,無論多小。你會開始變得更快樂,并意識到生活是多么美好。 Remember to always be grateful for everything that you have, no matter how small. You\'ll start to be happier and realize how great life really is. |
-- 作者:浪客慶少 -- 發布時間:2024/11/13 15:27:59 -- 學無止境 |